Day In The Life photography is quite big overseas but isn’t something that common in the UK. It involves inviting a photographer along for the ride with your family with the aim of capturing what a day in the life looks like and committing it to beautiful artistic memories.

This is something we would love to get into. All of the photography we do is about real life moments, not set up and posed pictures. Sure, this kind of picture will happen at a wedding and on a family shoot but it is very rare that we will stop people, manipulate them and set up a picture. We might pause people if the light is magical or the background is beautiful. Other than that we look to get people engaging with each other and that is what we want to photograph.

Keep It Simple

Our favourite family shoots are when we get to hang out at a play park or go for a walk. Why? Because they are fun, the kids love doing them and it feels natural for people. Our camera comes to family events so that we can share our pictures with our families and people can reflect and laugh, reminisce and remember. We have some lovely photos of our daughter with her great grandma who we lost last year.

To have captured these pictures means the world to us and will allow us to show our daughter who her great grandma was and see her smiling at her whilst holding her.

This is why people should invest in photographers joining them for a day or half day and just capturing what life is all about at that time.

The pictures forming this blog are from a day we had with friends whilst on holiday last summer. We finally got round to editing them and I thought they captured exactly what I’m talking about and they are memories that we will frame and have to treasure forever. That day in Portugal involved eating, swimming, exploring a city, playing with giant bubbles and watching boats on a river. All over the space of just 8 hours or so.

We love hanging out with people and our wedding couples always appreciate how friendly and relaxed we are which allows them to be more natural. It will be the same if we were to hang out with your family for a few hours.

Better Than A Family Shoot?

Why is a day in the life photography better than a family shoot? For me, a family shoot is a chance to capture one thing – a walk, a play at the park. A day in the life shoot can be a play in the park, a walk, some baking, some eating, some sleeping, some books, some gardening, some climbing trees… get the idea. It can be so many things with so many chances to get those natural, family moments. Putting these pictures in an album or framing some give you a story over the years of how families grow and mature.

One of my sixth form students once said to me “your daughter is so lucky to have photographers as parents, all the pictures of me as a child are terrible!” We love taking pictures of our families and friends and would love to hang out with you and yours.

Interested in a day in the life photography session?

If you are interested in a day in the life photography session with us just fill in the form below and we will be in touch. Or message us on the Facebook button on the bottom right!

Here is a lovely article giving you a few ideas of how to do your own day in the life photography and why it is so amazing!

Let’s Arrange a Brew.

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