As the new wedding season is here – maybe I’m all excited because there is actual sunshine outside today!! – we have been looking at adding albums to our output. 

The choice of where to get them made is basically endless and the number of styles out there is crazy.  I’ve used various softwares and downloaded Photoshop templates and I think i’ve settled on one now. The Photoshop templates are great but it takes soooooo long to learn to use them and populate them that creating a whole album would take me forever. So it boils down to either Fundy or SmartAlbum software. In truth they are very similar and both make it very easy to create an album. I like the idea of creating in Fundy and ordering straight from the software but it isn’t the deal breaker. They both have an extensive suite of print studios to export to. So in the end it probably boils down to price and SmartAlbums is a little cheaper. I’m enjoying the 14 day trial at the moment and have designed an album for a friends wedding. They were refunded album money by their photographer and have asked us to do one for them. The one they want is expensive and, whilst very nice, I feel might be a little too much. I think of how often we look at our album (which is the same as our friends want) and whilst it is very classy and italian and I wouldn’t change it I don’t think it fits in with LLG. 

Which brings me to the second point of this post. How are you supposed to choose an album maker from the hundreds available. Do you stick with the one you have? As I said, I don’t think so. So i’ve looked at what other photographers offer and who they use. Nothing really grabbed me until I found a company in Scotland who make albums by hand. The Wee Album Company are based in Glasgow and they seem to do what we are looking for. Beautiful looking albums that are hand made from sustainable sources, they are Scottish (read British if you need to) and just seem to fit the bill. Their costs are very reasonable and would allow us to create an album for our clients without breaking the bank. I plan to order a sample copy to show to clients and if we are happy with it then i’m very excited to have found them. Fingers crossed and of course, i’ll let you know.

So there we are. 2018. Weddings booked. Batteries (will be) charged. Memory cards formatted. Albums on the horizon. Ready to go.

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